On p. 14 Sarah is describing and discussing her family's migration to the Great Land. She writes:
"In those days, it was unusual for an entire family to pull up stakes and relocate to the Last Frontier. Unless you were a member of a multigenerational Alaska Native family like my husband Todd's, it was usually the family breadwinner who trekked north to seek adventure and job opportunities, while the nuclear family remained in the safe, known confines of the Lower 48."
I would like to focus attention on the very last of these words. Do you guys remember Sarah's words, delivered in Dayton, Ohio on 29 August, 2008, Sarah Palin Day?
She used the image of a ship, and said something like the following (I am citing from memory):
"In politics, it is always simpler to do the safe and easy thing. A ship in harbor is safe, BUT THAT IS NOT WHY THE SHIP WAS BUILT (emphasis added)."
Profound words!!!
Sarah is looking at the "teleology" of things here, their ultimate "telos," "finis," end, aim, purpose. A ship is made for adventure; a ship is made for challenges; a ship is made to confront and essay the perils of the deep, the perils of the might and majesty of Neptune's salty seas, either for the purposes of commerce or for those of combat!
Surely the same is true of us human beings!!! The Lord made us to go to war for Him and for our fellow men/women ("Love the Lord thy God...Love thy neighbor").
We may even consider for a moment the Hobbits of JRR Tolkien's deathless Middle Earth. Ah, the little folk, lovers of their Shire; lovers of their six or eight (or whatever) meals per day; lovers of good pipe-weed; lovers of good brews!!!
And yet, and yet...that GOD who is omnipresent in Tolkien's work without ever being named in it (I am not thinking of The Silmarillion, etc.--maybe this is why Tolkien gained the dubious and puzzling support of 60's radicals: they did not really understand his work)--anyway, that God who is everywhere on Tolkien's pages, ultimately called and summoned the Hobbits of the Shire to trial, to testing, to combat. Indeed, they were the ones destined and chosen, at the ultimate and final hour, to turn and bend the scales of the Third Age to victory in the person of Frodo and Samwise at the cracks of Mount Doom!!
Let us now briefly consider each of the three words that Sarah uses at the end of the passage from Going Rogue cited above ("safe," "known," "confines").
First, "safe": Surely there is a time for rest; a time for respite; a time for being safe. But this is only true because we must rest, we must gain respite FOR a special end and purpose. We can rest and be safe and regather our strength in Lothlorien (Tolkien again) for a time; eventually, however, the Mission and War of the Ring must go forward!!
Second, "known": precisely because we cannot see the Lord's ultimate purposes for us and for the course of our lives ("teleology" again), we must be open to that which is UNKNOWN; to that which is risky; to that which is fraught with danger!
Third, "confines": the noun is closely related, of course, to the verb "confine," with all of the pejorative weight that that word bears and carries (the position of the accent, the word stress, differentiates the noun and the verb). We, in fact, are called to liberty and freedom, and, under God's Law of course, are asked to FREE ourselves from constraints, from "CONfines that "conFINE" us!!
Well, Chuck and Sally Heath took the path of the brave and the bold in heading north with their little kids to Alaska in the mid-60's. And children, while retaining their own individuality and free will, are greatly influenced and affected by the choices that their parents make.
So, what return of gratitude and grateful thanks can we ever make to these two hardy souls who did the unusual thing; the daring thing; the gallant thing...and brought into this world a lovely and unique leader and lady, Sarah Louise Heath Palin?
WE cannot make adequate return, ever. That is for the Lord to do.
However, we can say: "Thank you, Chuck and Sally, for giving us, for giving this time and this generation, for giving America and indeed the entire world the gift of Our Sarah!!!"