"When I finished that hellish exercise, I considered it one of my greatest accomplishments because it just hurt so bad."
I would like to cite two passages from p. 28, one from the top of the page, the other from the bottom; then I would like to tie them together with the slender, but, as I hope, strong thread of a brief commentary.
Sarah has been discussing marathons, as we saw on p. 27. She continues with this subject and theme on p. 28:
"A couple of decades and four kids later, I finally reached my goal of running a sub-four-hour marathon. By a few seconds. When I finished that hellish exercise, I considered it one of my greatest accomplishments because it just hurt so bad."
And at the bottom of the page she says:
"As an athlete who advanced more on tenacity than talent, I wanted sports to be my future but was realistic enough to know I wouldn't always be a player. That's why with my passion for both sports and the written word, becoming a sports reporter seemed like a natural fit."
Wow: Sarah had the guts, the grit...the "cojones" to persist through horrible pain and agony, and to achieve at long last and length her marathon goal!!! And yet she also had the accompanying grace and virtue of humility to know her limitations in the field and realm of athletics. She had the perception and self-knowledge to envision another life-path for herself, and she had the intrepid spirit to follow that road. And, indeed, she did briefly serve as a sports anchor in Alaska!!
Yes, our beloved Sarah possesses a truly Classical balance and equilibrium, hitting the perfect pitch and note that rests betwixt pride and pusillanimity. She is very wise.
And yet, do we not behold an even greater Wisdom working Its patient, kindly, relentless, gentle will in her life?? "Well done, oh good and faithful daughter of mine, well done...but I have much greater things in store for thee, Brave Daughter of the North Country, Fairest and Finest Sword of the Great Land and of all of America!!!"
This higher Wisdom set aside and nixed not only a career as an athlete for Sarah, but also a career as a sports scribe.
Still, may we not speculate that it was Sarah's true and deep humility and her frank and true (as far as it went) assessment of herself that has opened her mind and heart to the inspirations of the Lord!?! Pride blinds; humility gives limpid and soaring and piercing eagles' vision and perception!! This wisdom of hers has always worked together with His Wisdom!
Member of the PTA; member of the city council of Wasilla; mayor of Wasilla; chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission; Governor of Alaska; candidate for the Vice-Presidency of the United States of America; Citizen Warrior for her beloved country; soon, as we ardently hope, President of the United States of America; afterwards, perhaps, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America...
What a wonderful and marvelous fate the Hand of the All-Highest has prepared for the brave, intrepid, compassionate, gutsy, kind, tough, patriotic, self-made girl from Alaska, who has made herself into a great lady, who has always trusted in and relied on herself...but has relied, with the humility of greatness and of nobility, has relied on the Lord even more!!!!
Truly, Sarah has lived "A Wonderful Life"!!!!!