PAGE 128
Palin and Tom Irwin
On p. 128 of GR, Sarah continues her account of her brave gasline team, and the stand that some of them had made against Governor Frank Murkowski before she came to gubernatorial office.
She writes, "Evidently, my friend Tom [Irwin] had told Murkowski one too many times that the secret gasline deal he was negotiating with Exxon-Mobil, BP, and ConocoPhillips violated the state's Constitution. Among other things, his approach relinquished state sovereignty, and would unwisely lock in tax rates for decades into the future despite volatility in the markets.
"Murkowski didn't like being questioned. Tom loved his state too much to be part of something that would ultimately hurt it. So he did what I had done when faced with my AOGCC decision--he left so he could be effective elsewhere. Tom went home to Fairbanks, and the rest of the Magnificent Seven also found other jobs."
While it would be fruitful to reflect here upon the Governor's courageous and momentous decision of July, 2009, her heroic resignation from the job she loved, the Governorship of Alaska, an act similar to those of Tom Irwin and the other members of the Magnificent Seven, I would like to follow a different path and thread of thought this morning on the above passage.
I would like to focus on these words, "Murkowski didn't like being questioned" and on these, "Tom loved his state too much to be part of something that would ultimately hurt it."
What a seemingly simple, and yet in reality stark and world-shaking contrast we behold here between two different kinds of souls, between two worlds of the mind, between two universes of the spirit.
There are people who manifest a …
WILLINGNESS to acknowledge their errors and mistakes, and an
UNWILLINGNESS to do wrong.
And there are people who manifest an …
UNWILLINGNESS humbly to acknowledge their errors, their mistakes, their sins, and a …
WILLINGNESS to do wrong.
The proud and purblind Murkowski is a type and an example of one of these species of individuals. He "didn't like being questioned." Also, he was willing to take his State down a bad and dangerous path.
Tom Irwin, by contrast, refused to be party to actions that he deemed and judged to be nocent and noxious to his State. While it is not made explicit here, it may safely be assumed that, in accordance with the moral symmetries traced above, Tom Irwin would be willing humbly to acknowledge faults and errors on his part.
In this connection, I am reminded of the great King David. Yes, he sinned grievously by sending Uriah to the front lines to be killed, and then taking Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, for his own.
But what sets David apart from legions of others, what makes him an immortal, is that, when the prophet Nathan confronted him with his great sins, the King did not "kill the messenger," he did not have the prophet murdered to quiet his own conscience--the sort of action that so many other kings and other mighty ones of this world have taken.
No, he confessed his sins, and his soul lived… he became a Hero of the Lord for All Times!! IMHO, his VICTORY OVER SELF was greater than his victory over GOLIATH!
Now, we are confronted today, in Washington DC, by a criminal gang that has NOT followed the path of the brave Tom Irwin, who refused to be party to evil schemes. Further, unlike King David, they are refusing to acknowledge the wickedness of their ways in these stirring and momentous days, when a true prophet is hurling their sins and their delicts and their crimes in their teeth!!
These people, from barack obama on down, are rather like Frank Murkowski.
First, they were willing to do great evil.
But we all err sometimes; even David sinned greatly.
Will they repent; will they acknowledge their criminal and treasonous acts???
Will they say, "mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa"???
Like Frank Murkowski, they do not like to be questioned.
David, the eternal Servant of the Lord David, bowed his kingly head before the TRUTH OF THE LORD, as enunciated by the Prophet of the All-Highest. He refused to murder the Lord's messenger.
obama and his thugs, by contrast, will continue trying to smother and extinguish the voice of America's prophet of the twenty-first century.
They will not succeed. All that they will do is to complete the process of extinguishing their own benighted souls.
Guys, Sarah sent the proud Frank Murkowski and his political gang packing in 2006.
The Lord willing, she will boot the obamunists and their RINO fellow travelers out of power, starting in 2014, and culminating in 2016!!!
Our voices, our hearts, our swords for SARAHAMERICA!!!!