PAGE 112
On p. 112 of GR, Sarah continues to discuss her 2005-2006 successful run for Governor of Alaska. She writes, "Alaskans were disenchanted and felt disenfranchised from their own government. We were going to change that."
My friends, is this not precisely where America stands in this early dawn of the Year of Grace 2013?
We are dispirited and "disenchanted."
We feel that our votes count for nothing; that we have been "disenfranchised."
We are looking for a captain to lead us along the path of civic renewal and restoration. I can do no better here than to present again letter "N" in the "Latin Sarah" series from last spring and summer.
America is down right now; she is depressed; she is disenchanted; she feels disenfranchised with the fearsome event of the "reelection" of the "Great Destroyer," the utterly despicable anti-American political thug, barack hussein obama.
I believe that, with the Governor as our leader, "WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE THAT"!!!
We are seeking a RENEWER: A Restorer of our pride, of our courage, of our confidence, of our Free and American Spirit
We are seeking …
From the first moments that she strode so confidently and so brightly onto the national stage and the national consciousness, the Governor has served as a restorer and rebuilder of American sprits, American dreams, American pride … AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM!!
She is in our days the incarnation and exemplar of President Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America."
Now, an individual human being cannot be forever young in the chronological sense of the term, cannot abide forever in the morning tide and time of life's course. There is no gainsaying nor thwarting nor forestalling the inexorable march and tramp of the minutes, hours, days, months, and years.
However, psychologically, intellectually, spiritually we can all be "green" (in the good sense of that much-abused epithet!!) and young and fresh and vigorous, even if we are loaded and weighed down with the years of the octogenarian, the nonagenarian …even the centenarian!!
On the physical plane, it is when an organism is still racing towards the lofty ACME and APEX and SUMMIT of corporal puissance and power that it radiates and reflects golden vigor, bracing freshness, luminous youth.
For human beings, wherever they may stand on the charts and chapters of the tale of the months and the years, when they are still racing to a lofty peak and eminence in spiritual or intellectual endeavors, they will seem young, enthusiastic, vigorous, full of life and power, no matter what the calendar may have to say about their age!! There is a parallel and analogous track between physical youth and spiritual "youth"!!!
Now, what is true even for individuals, who are bound by the cords and ties of grim mortality, is eminently true for nations. The Lord has set no necessary limits on the times and fates of countries. The oldest man or woman is not going to live beyond the age of about 105 or 110 years.
On the contrary, our Res Publica Americana, which is two-hundred-plus years young right now, may have hundreds and hundreds of years still to go in her fated course and career, if the All-Highest so wills it, and if WE fight to preserve her.
It is on BOTH these levels, the life of individuals and the life of the nation, that our Sarah has served as a powerful force for renewal and restoration.
First, behold the Governor herself. By the reckoning of the hands of the clock, she is forty-eight years old. However, how young, how dynamic, how vigorous … indeed, how TIMELESS she always seems!! This is because HER SOUL IS ALWAYS YOUTHFUL IN THE JOY OF THE LORD, AND IN THE STRIVING TO MOUNT ON HIGH IN THE PATHS OF HEAVEN.
Further, she has communicated the same invigorating and restorative mind and spirit to tens of millions of ordinary Americans, to whom she has imparted the vivifying and resuscitating power of HOPE!!!
As to our COUNTRY, she has given us the veritable expectation that America can be saved, can have her youth renewed in her Constitutional roots and foundations and principles.
She is leading us both BACKWARDS and FORWARD AD FONTES--To the Sources!!
What return can we ever make to Sarah Novatrix for all that she has done to uplift and restore and reinvigorate us, both as individuals and as a nation??!!!
One thing we can do is pray ceaselessly for her and for her family to the God Who has said, "ECCE NOVA FACIO OMNIA--Behold, I make all things new.
Rarely has He, IMHO, found a nobler and finer collaborator in this great work of individual and national RENEWAL than Sarah Palin of Alaska--the ever-young, ever-renewing, ever hope-giving Governor and soon-to-be President of these United States, Sarah Palin!!
My friends, is this not precisely where America stands in this early dawn of the Year of Grace 2013?
We are dispirited and "disenchanted."
We feel that our votes count for nothing; that we have been "disenfranchised."
We are looking for a captain to lead us along the path of civic renewal and restoration. I can do no better here than to present again letter "N" in the "Latin Sarah" series from last spring and summer.
America is down right now; she is depressed; she is disenchanted; she feels disenfranchised with the fearsome event of the "reelection" of the "Great Destroyer," the utterly despicable anti-American political thug, barack hussein obama.
I believe that, with the Governor as our leader, "WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE THAT"!!!
We are seeking a RENEWER: A Restorer of our pride, of our courage, of our confidence, of our Free and American Spirit
We are seeking …
From the first moments that she strode so confidently and so brightly onto the national stage and the national consciousness, the Governor has served as a restorer and rebuilder of American sprits, American dreams, American pride … AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM!!
She is in our days the incarnation and exemplar of President Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America."
Now, an individual human being cannot be forever young in the chronological sense of the term, cannot abide forever in the morning tide and time of life's course. There is no gainsaying nor thwarting nor forestalling the inexorable march and tramp of the minutes, hours, days, months, and years.
However, psychologically, intellectually, spiritually we can all be "green" (in the good sense of that much-abused epithet!!) and young and fresh and vigorous, even if we are loaded and weighed down with the years of the octogenarian, the nonagenarian …even the centenarian!!
On the physical plane, it is when an organism is still racing towards the lofty ACME and APEX and SUMMIT of corporal puissance and power that it radiates and reflects golden vigor, bracing freshness, luminous youth.
For human beings, wherever they may stand on the charts and chapters of the tale of the months and the years, when they are still racing to a lofty peak and eminence in spiritual or intellectual endeavors, they will seem young, enthusiastic, vigorous, full of life and power, no matter what the calendar may have to say about their age!! There is a parallel and analogous track between physical youth and spiritual "youth"!!!
Now, what is true even for individuals, who are bound by the cords and ties of grim mortality, is eminently true for nations. The Lord has set no necessary limits on the times and fates of countries. The oldest man or woman is not going to live beyond the age of about 105 or 110 years.
On the contrary, our Res Publica Americana, which is two-hundred-plus years young right now, may have hundreds and hundreds of years still to go in her fated course and career, if the All-Highest so wills it, and if WE fight to preserve her.
It is on BOTH these levels, the life of individuals and the life of the nation, that our Sarah has served as a powerful force for renewal and restoration.
First, behold the Governor herself. By the reckoning of the hands of the clock, she is forty-eight years old. However, how young, how dynamic, how vigorous … indeed, how TIMELESS she always seems!! This is because HER SOUL IS ALWAYS YOUTHFUL IN THE JOY OF THE LORD, AND IN THE STRIVING TO MOUNT ON HIGH IN THE PATHS OF HEAVEN.
Further, she has communicated the same invigorating and restorative mind and spirit to tens of millions of ordinary Americans, to whom she has imparted the vivifying and resuscitating power of HOPE!!!
As to our COUNTRY, she has given us the veritable expectation that America can be saved, can have her youth renewed in her Constitutional roots and foundations and principles.
She is leading us both BACKWARDS and FORWARD AD FONTES--To the Sources!!
What return can we ever make to Sarah Novatrix for all that she has done to uplift and restore and reinvigorate us, both as individuals and as a nation??!!!
One thing we can do is pray ceaselessly for her and for her family to the God Who has said, "ECCE NOVA FACIO OMNIA--Behold, I make all things new.
Rarely has He, IMHO, found a nobler and finer collaborator in this great work of individual and national RENEWAL than Sarah Palin of Alaska--the ever-young, ever-renewing, ever hope-giving Governor and soon-to-be President of these United States, Sarah Palin!!