Alaska is home...
On p. 92 of GR, Sarah is continuing her account of her interview with Governor Frank Murkowski about the vacant Alaska Senate seat, for which Sarah had made Murkowski's short list.
She writes, " 'What would be your plans for your kids?' Murkowski said.
"I'd bring them with me. They'd go to school in DC, but we'd probably do some back-and-forth to Alaska because I wouldn't want them to lose touch with home--"
There is a deep wisdom, IMV, contained and encapsulated in these few simple syllables!
However, I think that it is not just a physical spot on the geographical maps that occupy our walls and sit in our desks and in our cars; no, it is not just a physical locale, but rather it occupies a vast territory too in the "geography" of the mind and the heart and the imagination!!
Part of the magic and mystery of this "Alaska of the Heart" is indeed that we can all travel there in spirit, as so many of us did as we watched her marvelously beautiful and informative series "Sarah Palin's Alaska" in 2010.
But there is more.
I believe that part of Sarah's mighty appeal to so many tens of millions of patriotic Americans is that she carries with her, in her flesh and blood and bones and heart, she bears with her wherever she goes the unquenchable fire and radiant effulgence of the Land of the Northern Lights.
We, for our part, cannot always, because of the multiple exigencies and responsibilities and duties of this life, we cannot always return to visit our own physical homes and places of origin.
But we can always, even if we are wandering lost and sorrowful and forlorn in the "valley of the shadow of death," we can always keep the best part and portion of our hearts and spirits and beings secure in the embrace of the beloved homes that are a taste and reminder of our Ultimate and Heavenly Home.
Outside of us, blows and hatred and hostility and fear and betrayal and even terror may reign; however, we can nevertheless stand unmoved and immobile in the succoring strength of the invisible but most real Homes of the Heart!!
We thus have been given a wonderful gift from On High: Beyond the power we have to move through physical and geographical spaces, we can, much more readily and much more easily, advance through the hidden and wonderful places of the realms of the "deep heart's core."
I was reminded of this last night, as I watched, with a mixture of outrage and sadness, a FOX News program on which they were speculating about VP choices for Mitt Romney.
First …
This guy has not even secured the nomination yet!!!
Further, the catalogue and parade of various supposed VP possibilities just saddened me as I thought of that bright and never-to-be-forgotten day almost four years ago, when the Providence of the Lord, operating through an old war hero and Senator, brought SARAH into our lives.
SHE is so much more worthy and deserving than this whole crowd of politicos, not just of the vice-presidency, but of all the majesty and authority and responsibility of the most powerful secular office in the world, the Presidency of the United States of America!!!
Yes, I was irate and downcast for a few brief instants. Then I took flight on the "Magic Carpet of the Mind" to a better and brighter and sunnier land, and I was consoled and comforted.
If Sarah had been obliged to move to the sordid snake pit of Washington, DC to occupy a Senate seat, she would, as she indicates in the above-cited passage, she and her family would frequently have visited in body and in fact their beautiful Home of Northern Dreams.
However, IN SPIRIT, IMV, they would never have left the Great Land at all; constant and unending and perpetual would have been their sweet lingering and dwelling therein!!! Put another way, they would have taken frequent journeys, even many times in a single day, to the land where their hearts lie and reside!!
My brothers and sisters, as we traverse the dolorous and difficult-to-comprehend days and weeks and months that have developed and evolved before us ever since 5 October, 2011, let us follow the Governor's gentle wisdom and guidance; let us travel often, not by foot, not by car, not by rail, not by boat, not by plane, but rather on the wings of the celestial and mystical pathways of the heart, let us travel often to Alaska of the Spirit, to Alaska of the Heart, to Alaska the Land of the True North!!!
For I believe that we will thus, even if we have never set boot or shoe or track or tread on the soil of the Forty-Ninth State, we will thus BE RETURNING HOME.
For it is my conviction that, because of the marvelous events that have unfolded in our land ever since Sarah Palin Day, 29 August, 2008 …