On p.54 of GR, Sarah is talking about the first days and months following the birth of her firstborn, Track. She says, "From the beginning, I was head over heels in love with him and convinced that I was the most important person in his world. He had my heart then (and now).
"Becoming a mom mellowed my drive toward making it as a big-time sports reporter. I didn't want to leave Track with anyone, so I only worked weekends at a couple of network affiliates in Anchorage. Heather babysat at her house near the studio and brought him by when I couldn't stand another minute without inhaling the soft scent of his downy hair and baby skin."
What a beautiful testimony this is to the great heart of a mom!! Is it not clear and evident that, just as Track held her heart back then (and does so right up to this very hour and minute), so the entire United States of America holds her mighty and generous heart in these fateful days and months?!?
Sarah LOVES HER COUNTRY and, as a Christian woman and patriot, loves all of US individually. This is an astounding yet simple truth. The Lord has prepared her for motherhood on a very lofty level!
I could dwell on any number of the words and phrases and sentences of this passage, but I would like to focus this morning on these words: "Becoming a mom mellowed my drive toward making it as a big-time sports reporter."
Behold the wonders that have been wrought by the circumstances that the All-Highest has created in Sarah's life, and by her cooperation with His merciful dispositions and mysterious purposes!!
Think for a moment: If she had been consumed with a passion and drive and ambition to become a topflight sports reporter at all costs, might she not have viewed her pregnancy as an inconvenience? Is this not the way that so many on the Left view these matters, both in theory and in practice, as they promote abortion, and sacrifice their little ones to the advancement of their careers?
Consider, by contrast, the merciful and mighty path that the Lord has traced and drawn for Sarah through motherhood. Love for Track kept her from becoming a standout sports reporter. And let's face it, guys: She is great at whatever she does. She would have become a first-rate sports journalist if she had followed this path, and had been willing to sacrifice everything to it. However, had she pursued success in the sports world, would we witness today this great leader and patriot, who stands poised to become our next President?
Sarah's mode and philosophy of action have remained consistent and constant throughout her life. The birth of Track helped to block her from one road. She has indeed, since that time, pursued various professional goals, including her run for several political offices, but never at the cost of the time that she felt she had to give to her family!!
Many years later, her giving birth to Trig was the final test she had to pass, IMHO, before the Lord was ready to reveal her to the nation and to the world, and show her the REAL road He had marked out for her.
The unfailing compass of love and devotion, and the effulgent North Star of Motherhood have guided her ship safely through all storms and dangers to this present and critical hour. The diaphanous beauty that radiated from her eyes and from her countenance on 29 August, 2008, four months after Trig's birth, is testimony and proof of a lovely and loving heart and spirit and soul!
She sacrificed a career as a sports reporter; the Lord, Who is never to be outdone in generosity, and Who often bestows the "hundredfold" even in this present terrestrial life, is about to bestow on her a "career" far more lofty than any sports scribe's microphone and notepad and computer!!
Ultimately, this matter comes down to this question: Do we try to conform ourselves to TRUTH, to what IS, to the God Who said to Moses, "I AM THAT I AM," "I AM WHO AM," or do we attempt to wrest and twist and turn what IS to ourselves, to our own perceived desires, to our own limited and blunted vision? That is, do we worship God or ourselves? Do we make the Lord the Standard of Truth or our own petty selves?
Let me conclude and close these reflections on p.54 by discussing the different reaction of patriots and of the Left to Sarah.
From the beginning (for most of us, 29 August, 2008, Sarah Palin Day) we have essayed to open ourselves to the marvelous reality and work of the Hands of the Lord that is our Sarah. We have sought to know her, to appreciate her, to defend her, to love her for who she IS.
The Left, by contrast, has tried to turn and twist the REALITY of Sarah to the sick needs of their own stunted psyches, blunted minds, and radical politics. They have created a PSEUDO-SARAH, made in their own "image and likeness." This false Sarah has nothing to do with the radiant reality of the Lady of the North Country, but has everything to do with an attempt to destroy the heroic Lady Warrior who stands as a mortal threat to the rule and regime of their "anointed messiah," barack obama.
"Stupid, brainless, greedy, egotistical" and on and on ad nauseam…none of this has anything to do with who Sarah IS, but rather with who they need her to be in order to advance their evil agenda, and protect and extend their tyranny.
In their consummate and arrant arrogance, they have attempted to usurp the office of the Creator by "creating" their own fantastic figment of a fictitious "Sarah." This "Sarah," instead of being brilliant is idiotic; instead of being generous and noble is greedy and venal; instead of being fearless and gallant is a coward and a "quitter"; instead of being a loving servant of and friend to the most humble and simple of her countrymen and women is a shameless exploiter of them.
Well, they lie.
We choose the truth!!!
MAGNA EST VERITAS, ET PRAEVALEBIT--Great is Truth, and She Will Prevail!!