PAGE 134
"People outside Alaska are often clueless
about our reliance on natural food sources."
On p. 134 of GR, Sarah continues, in the context of the early days of her gubernatorial administration, her discussion of animal "rights" activists.
She writes, "One animal rights group recruited a perky, pretty celebrity to attack our scientifically controlled, state-managed wolf-control program. It was ironic that she opposed using guns to kill predators that would cause Native people to starve, but apparently not opposed to taking movie roles in which she'd use guns to kill predatory people.
"People outside Alaska are often clueless about our reliance on natural food sources. (You know you're an Alaskan when at least twice a year your kitchen doubles as a meat-processing plant.) They don't use common sense in considering why our biologists need responsible tools for abundant game management. But as the ninety-year-old Alaska Native leader Sydney Hunnington told Todd, 'Nowadays, common sense is an endangered species.' "
I have a few brief observations to share with you about this passage.
First, note how she exposes the hubristic hypocrisy of the Hollywood Left in the person of the "perky, pretty celebrity" who was quite willing to line her pockets through playing movie roles in which she used guns to kill people, while she at the same time opposed Alaska's killing of wolves.
This is typical of these purblind and benighted creatures: They shed bitter and copious crocodile tears for animals and even for plants … but favor and defend the slaughter of human beings through ABORTION!!!
Next, let us note these words: "They don't use common sense in considering why our biologists need responsible tools for abundant game management."
The key words are COMMON SENSE and WHY.
Common sense links together the findings of the particular senses, and links together particular observations, in order to perceive ENDS, GOALS, PURPOSES. That is, it attempts to answer what we may call the Why-Question. Another way of stating this is that it looks towards the "teleology" of things. (Greek "telos"--the end proposed, the end of action).
Finally, let us consider the concluding words of the cited passage, "Nowadays, common sense is an endangered species." In seven words she brilliantly mocks the often-abused practice of designating certain creatures as "endangered species," and also points us towards what our real concerns should be; towards what is truly "endangered"!!