Sarah, near the bottom of page 3 of Going Rogue, says, "I was intrigued by political science in college and studied journalism because of my passion for the power of words."
I have two strands of reflection and thought to share with you this morning about these words of Lady Sarah. One involves the depth of the truth about the "power of words"; the other has to do with the way in which Sarah, a lover of reading, of language...of words, has been slandered by her evil, unscrupulous enemies.
It is not without reason that Homer, the most ancient poet of the West, referred, in words that are themselves immortal, to "winged words." How Homer's own words, how those of Virgil, of Ovid, of Cicero, of Sophocles, of Plato, of Dante, of Shakespeare, of Our Founding Fathers, of so many others have frolicked and danced down the corridors of the centuries and of the millennia...and remain as fresh and youthful today, when we read them, as when they were first conceived and uttered and sent winging forth into the consciousness of men and women!!
They, ancient though they may be, have the morning-dew freshness and fecundity of youth in their power and potency to move, to uplift, to inspire, to elicit laughter, to bring forth tears!!
What conspiracies have not been thwarted, what tyrannies have not been shattered, what great dangers averted, what noble deeds inspired by the power of the spoken word and the written word!!
And yet, on the physical plane, how unsubstantial, almost gossamer-like are words. What is the utterance of the tongue, in physical terms, but a puff of air and an impulse of sound waves? How weak and evanescent, in the harsh terms of the unforgiving centuries, is the material upon which the written word is set down. Even the sturdy parchment of the medieval monks is hardly proof and impregnable against the grudging assaults of Time!!
The puff of air is dissipated in an instant; the sound wave vanishes into the ether; the paper, while it lives longer than the momentary life of the sound-impulse, is as a weak rabbit against the flying eagle of Time. And yet, the words, the words themselves, live do the minds, the hearts, the spirits that uttered them! And in the timeless realm of the heart, truly cor ad cor loquitur: "heart speaks to heart."
In this magical realm, as magical and mystical as Tolkien's Middle Earth, or any of the other lands of mystery conceived by the greatest literary geniuses, in this mystical realm, time does not exist! Homer, Virgil, Shaksepeare, George Washington, all of them, seem to be whispering personally right now at this moment to us when we read their words!
" passion for the power of words." Yes!!!
Now, we can find some more remarks on this passion for words of Our Sarah in Kaylene Johnson's book Sarah. "From the time she was in elementary school, she consumed newspapers with a passion. 'She read the paper from the very top left-hand corner to the bottom right corner to the very last page,' said Molly [her younger sister]. 'She didn't want to miss a word. She didn't just read it--she knew every word she had read and analyzed it.'
" '...She was such a bookworm. Whenever I was assigned to read a book, she'd already read it,' Heather [her older sister] said." (op. cit. pp. 21-22)
Now, what did the ruthless, the lying, the cruel, the savage, the merciless Left subject Sarah to...all to advance their "anointed one," barack obama, before the election, and to continue promoting their evil agenda for America after the election? They put forth the absurd notion that Sarah cannot read...much less write!!!
To listen to someome like chris matthews, you would think Sarah can hardly spell her own name! What was it that matthews said when the news came forth last fall that Sarah was writing a book? He said this, or very close to it; "How can she write a book if she can't even read one?" And his sentiments were repeated by the whole leftist chattering class.
Think of the hurt, the injustice!! This brave, smart, bright lady has been an avid reader for most of her life...and to face an insult, a LIE, like that!!
These people should be aware that serious LYING and SLANDERING constitute serious sin, mortal sin, as we RCs say. They will have to answer before the judgment throne of God someday for what they have done to Sarah, unless they make restitution, by correcting their lies and slanders. The Lord does avenge wicked doings like these...though He does it in His own time!
Let us put ourselves in Sarah's position.
Let us suppose that one of us who may be a lover of cats or dogs was falsely accused of brutalizing a pet.
Let us suppose that one of us who never cheated on tests in school was falsely accused of cheating...even sneakily cheating.
Let us suppose that one of us who is, say, an expert in French or Spanish, perhaps as a result of many years of hard, devoted study, suppose such a one was "accused" of not knowing the most basic phrase in either of these tongues.
Would it not cut; would it not sting; would it not hurt!?!
This, on a far greater scale, is what Our Beloved Sarah has been subjected to.
And she bore it and she bears it all with her matchless courage, lovely gallantry, golden nobility...for what...for what??...for herself??? NO...for US; for her country, for the United States of America.
Sarah, indeed, has shared, I believe, in some of the sufferings of the Son of God. He, who was/is Truth Incarnate, was accused by the scribes and pharisees of being a seducer of the people: basically, they called Him what they themselves were: liars. This is Sarah's "cross" right now (one of them); it will also be her glory.
When we have a heroine like this in our midst what else can we do but support her, defend her, pray for her...always..and thank the Lord on literally bended knees, with WORDS OF POWER AND LAUD, for raising up such a generous champion of a soul to defend us and our nation!!