PAGE 124
A "mélange of views"
On p. 124 of GR, Sarah is entering upon her first full day as Governor of Alaska. She writes, "It was my first day in office, and my core gasline team and I were meeting to kick off our top agenda item. The governor's office has one particularly enviable view, south across the city toward the beautiful mountains of Chugach State Park.
"From one window I could also see an active volcano, and from another window, Mount McKinley. We overlook Cook Inlet, abundant with sea life, including salmon, halibut, and beluga whales, all safely coexisting with offshore oil rigs for the last thirty years.
"Almost symbolically, my office also looked directly into the towering gold-mirrored building occupied by the oil giant Conoco-Phillips. This mélange of views served as a constant reminder of my mission in office to develop our state's resources in the best interests of the environment and of the people--including getting a gasline built."
While it would be fruitful for us to reflect upon several possible themes inspired by this passage, such as the complete compatibility between true and careful environmentalism on the one hand, and responsible resource development on the other hand, or upon the looming battles with "big oil" that confronted the Governor as she entered upon her office, I would like to focus this fine early morning on one phrase from the passage: "mélange of views."
Just as an individual can enjoy a "mélange of views" on the physical level, as Sarah did from her lofty (seventeenth floor!) seat in the Governor's office, so we can imbibe such vistas on the political and even the spiritual levels.
Further, a great statesman or woman, a great mind, is able to seize upon the multiple and individual fragments of quotidian events and bind and weave them into the harmonious whole of a VISION. Many VIEWS can lead to one VISION!!
Just as the Governor enjoyed her "mélange of views" from the gubernatorial seat in Alaska, so, I believe, she has absorbed a DUAL mélange of views through her experiences of the last four or five years.
First, in her VP campaign of '08, in her book tour of '09, in her many campaign activities for Tea Party candidates in '10, in all her vigorous and valiant activities since then, she has seen and visited vast stretches of this country of ours, and has met thousands upon more thousands of good, honest, ordinary, hardworking Americans. She thus possesses, IMV, a broad and all-encompassing VISION of America in the beauty of her diversity and her unity.
Second, and even more profoundly, her many sufferings through all these years, sufferings at the hands of obamunists, sufferings at the hands of RINOs, sufferings at the hands of Hollywood, sufferings at the hands of the lamestream media, sufferings at the hands of false "friends," this "mélange of views" of the dire straits of our nation, these diverse and doleful sufferings have bestowed and conferred upon her, IMHO, a VISION that will help her, someday soon God willing, to lead America out of the darkness of the bleak obama years and into the bright and bracing sunlight of another Reaganesque Morning in America.
She knows the "patient"; she knows the remedies required to resuscitate and revivify the patient!!
Just as the exalting and exhilarating vista of views from her gubernatorial office in Alaska helped to inspire and inform her vision for the Great Land, so, I think, her panoramic picture of the state of the Union, and of the state of the minds and the hearts of the People of that Union is helping her to form and conceive a UNIFYING AND LIBERATING VISION FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land--Proclaim President Sarah Palin, Mother of Her Country!!!