On p. 100 of GR, Sarah describes the time that followed her heroic and principled resignation from her six-figure-salary job as chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. She writes:
"The snow melted, the sun rose again, and summer rounded the corner--a glorious time up North!"
I believe that these words, so simple on their face and surface, contain great matter for reflection and meditation and consolation for us--especially during the dark days through which we are passing right now.
CYCLICAL MOTION, revolutionary (in the spatial sense) movement, would seem to be at the heart and the core of the nature of things.
I am no physicist, but, as I recall, electrons ROTATE around a nucleus in atoms in much the way that planets revolve around a sun in solar systems.
Our physical seasons proceed in an ordered march and succession: Spring, summer, autumn, winter and back to spring.
Physically, we sleep, then we awaken, we sleep, then we awaken, and on and on.
Psychologically, times of grief, times of labor, times of conflict rotate and alternate with seasons of joy and peace and rest!!
Even spiritually, while, the Lord willing, we make progress towards Him, this movement is usually not in a direct and straight line, but rather in a circular motion that involves constant "falling down" in temptation and weakness, followed by times of getting up and advancing along the royal road to Heaven. It is sort of like an UPWARD SPIRAL!!
I think that this LAW OF THE CIRCLE is so deeply imprinted on our nature and on our consciousness that we do not reflect on it as often as perhaps we should.
For example, if we did not know that spring and summer follow autumn and winter, might not the whole human race panic, thinking, as the hours of light are curtailed by envious darkness, as the days grow shorter and shorter, might not everyone think: "Light will soon be gone forever!! Look at the trend. Soon eternal darkness will be upon us!!"
Of course, thoughts like these seem absurd. But that is only because we so take for granted that the circle of the seasons will bring back to us light and warmth and life and joy!!
I think that, as we move along the temporal and straight line of our lives from birth through life to death, the circular and "eternal" cycles give us hope that all will not be over for us when death comes knocking, knocking upon our chamber doors!
The STRAIGHT LINE to the grave is a reminder that we are "dust and unto dust we shall return."
The CIRCLE is a reminder of life eternal.
AND the presence of so many CIRCULAR PATTERNS, even within the confines of this mortal life, gives us the precious ANCHOR OF HOPE!!!
So, let us return to the above citation from the Governor in its context.
She has just finished talking about the agonizing period in her life when she had to make the most difficult decision to resign her lucrative job, AOGCC chairman!!
Shortly after, she turns to the consolation of the LORD, THE AUTHOR OF NATURE, and speaks so simply and yet movingly of the return of the glorious summertide!!!
Let us take her words, and in HOLY and RATIONAL HOPE, apply them to the current hour through which we are now passing and suffering:
"The snow melted."
Surely this horrible political hour and season, during which our only November choice seems to be between an out-and-out Communist and an uninspiring, weak political hack, during which the most brilliant patriot of our generation seems to have been relegated to the "bench" through the machinations and maneuvers of truly evil and power-ravenous men and women, during which tens of millions of Americans are left crying out for SARAH OF ALASKA, surely the grim ice and snow of this time shall pass!!--THE SNOW SHALL MELT!
"… the sun rose again, and summer rounded the corner …"
George Washington really lived--and the mighty sound and symphony of his heroic life reverberates and echoes to this very day and hour!
Calvin Coolidge, old "Silent Cal," really did preside over the magnificent "Roaring Twenties."
Ronald Reagan--no, we did not imagine it!!--really did win two overwhelming victories at the ballot box in the 1980s, and became one of our greatest presidents ever---he belongs on Mount Rushmore!!
And as surely and certainly as Babe Ruth could clobber and bash a baseball, Joe Montana could hurl and fling a football, and Vince Lombardi could win and win and win football games, SARAH PALIN OF ALASKA will be President of the United States one day. It will take a miracle for her to be elected this year (and I still pray and hope for this miracle), but it will happen, sooner or later.
NO ONE in our time is more clothed and covered with the golden mantle and majesty of mind, spirit, character, eloquence, guts, leadership, love of her people, and LOVE OF HER COUNTRY than America's NORTH STAR AND LIONESS OF LIBERTY, Governor Palin!!
And finally, "… a glorious time up North!"
And a glorious time it shall be in the "north" of our nation's capital on THAT DAY, Sarah's Inauguration Day:
A beautiful and fearless patriot rises and places her left hand on the Holy Bible, held by the soon-to-be First Dude of the United States, slowly raises her right hand, and pronounces in clear and resonating tones, tones that cut through the crisp air of a January day in Washington DC, the majestic and ancient words of the Presidential Oath of Office:
"I, Sarah Louise Palin, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God."
The roll of Ruffles and Flourishes … the thunder of twenty-one guns firing in salute … the splendor and majesty of "Hail to the Chief," played for the first time in honor of President Sarah Palin.
Then, an Inaugural Address for the ages … and eight years of a Presidency for the ages!!!