"He said that I must have been intimidated by him because he was a big powerful male and I was a woman."
On p. 79 of GR, Sarah describes her confrontation and struggle with the police chief during her time as Mayor of Wasilla. She writes as follows, "Unfortunately, things hadn't gone as well on the police chief front. I thought maybe he'd come around and work with me on the budget. But the issues multiplied, and he forced my hand. So I fired him.
"This gets at my approach to management. I have a bulletin board filled with coffee-stained, dog-eared quotes tacked up along with family photos that has followed me from office to office since 1992. One of my favorite quotes comes from author and former football coach Lou Holtz, on how to build your team: 'Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated.'
"Admittedly, I didn't know the protocol for firing the chief--of course, no one else did either because we had had only one chief in our entire history. But I was well within my authority to fire him--his position was an at-will political appointment.
"Still, he sued. He claimed sexual discrimination. He said in the suit that I must have been intimidated by him because he was a big powerful male and I was a woman, and he couldn't help that, so it was 'wrongful termination.'
"I told our city attorney, 'Give me a break. I've been living in a "man's world" all my life--when I hunt, when I'm on a commercial fishing boat, when I was reporting sports from men's locker rooms." I was no stranger to these bastions of masculinity.
"It took almost three years to defend against that lawsuit, but in the end a judge agreed with me."
We observe and perceive here several aspects of Sarah's character.
We behold Sarah the Fearless. She is not afraid to take on and take down a "big powerful male." She is not afraid to swim and venture into the uncertain and untested waters of firing a police chief when there are no precedents and no protocols for such an action. She is not afraid of hunting, of fishing, of "men's locker rooms."
We behold Sarah the Patient. She gave the chief a chance to align himself with her mayoral administration. Then, after she finally fired him, she waited three years for the ultimate defeat of his lawsuit.
Above all, I believe, we see here Sarah the Master Strategist. I think that the key part of this whole passage is the Lou Holtz quote. Sarah has carried this quote around with her for years and years.
We should remember too that Coach Holtz was, most notably, the leader at Notre Dame University, where he won the National Championship for the 1988 season. Sarah's dear grandfather, CJ Sheeran, was an avid Notre Dame fan (he loved Latin too, by the way). So there is a close connection to this school in her family history.
"Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated."
Is this not perhaps the strategy that Sarah is following right now for the 2012 Presidential Election?
Just as "motivation" is simple, so her approach to restoring Constitutional Conservatism is simple: You eliminate those who are not really Constitutional Conservatives. In the campaign for POTUS, you allow the various candidates to be vetted, and you let them shoot themselves painfully and profoundly in the proverbial foot!!
You let them condemn themselves out of their very own mouths and through their very own actions. You patiently wait for them to destroy themselves…which they most certainly will do, based on their past actions and history!! Leopards do not change their spots!!
Let us observe in this place that Sarah's great book is a LIVING and vibrant and dynamic volume. It doesn't simply record and recount Sarah's past life; it furnishes us with clues and hints about her present and future actions and conduct.
Sometimes this truth is patent and obvious. At other times, it is a bit more obscure. I could certainly be mistaken about her strategy for 2012. Still, remember how much she has valued this citation from Coach Holtz. She has carried it around with her for many years.
You eliminate those who cannot lead your team or be a part of your team.
Look again at her patience: She gave the police chief a chance; then she waited three years for victory against his lawsuit.
I would suggest tentatively that this is exactly what we see going on at this moment.
Sarah is doing a great work. She is PATIENTLY ELIMINATING those who are not qualified to be President of the United States.
Victory has often been the golden guerdon of Patience!!
It was through Patience that the Romans defeated Hannibal in the Second Punic War.
It was through Patience that the Russians defeated Napoleon almost two centuries ago.
It is through Patience that Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is eliminating those persons who are not qualified to assume the helm of the Ship of State in the dangerous waters and fearful seas and stormy tides of these times.
Yes and, IMHO, she will culminate and crown this patient work and operation on Election Day, 6 November, 2012, by eliminating the most unqualified of all, a person whose usurpation of the White House has been a blot and a stain upon the honor, upon the fair fame, upon the history of the United States of America…she will end by triumphantly eliminating on that glorious evening the Marxist intruder, the little Chicago thug and "community organizer," barack hussein obama!!!