PAGE 122
On p. 122 of GR, Sarah is discussing her inaugural address as Governor of Alaska. She writes, "When the applause died down, I began my first speech as governor of Alaska by honoring the framers of our Constitution, created to guide our state. 'It demands that Alaskans come first. It will keep my compass pointed true north. It's the tool to build Alaska with strength and with order.' "
I would like to discuss two words and concepts from this passage, "strength" and "order."
Order is rooted in the RELATION in which things stand to each other. To take a simple example, there is all the difference between the sentences "The man kills the bear" and "The bear kills the man" because of the ORDER of the words. The order establishes, for the English language, the subject of each sentence and the direct object.
In the sphere of society, it is crucial to define the RELATION in which various units or entities stand to each other.
There is a principle in Catholic Philosophy known as the Principle of Subsidiarity. This principle is one of the foundations of our Constitutional belief in LIMITED GOVERNMENT. The word "subsidiarity" derives from the Latin word "subsidium," "support, assistance, aid, HELP, protection."
The idea is that LARGER units of society exist to HELP and SUPPORT, not to DOMINATE over, smaller units, and especially the family. From this truth flows the principle that larger units, especially the federal or national government, should not carry out those functions that can better be handled at the family, local, or State levels.
The family and the People do not exist for government; government exists for the family and the People.
From this principle flows the proper RELATIONSHIP between and among various societal entities.
The family is helped and supported by the city or town or local government; the local government does not dominate the family.
The local community is helped and supported by the State government; the State government does not dominate the local community.
The State is helped and supported by the federal government; the federal government does not dominate the State.
We do not delegate to larger units those matters that can best be handled by smaller units.
So, for example, the FAMILY is primarily responsible for the education of children.
On the other hand, the federal government certainly possesses some legitimate functions, especially that of national defense, a responsibility that cannot effectively be shouldered by smaller units of society.
The ideal for society, then, is that each of its units be STRONG and healthy, but that each remain within its proper and ORDERED sphere and orbit.
On the family level, she is a wonderful wife, mom, daughter, sister, and grandmother. Indeed, IMV, her bringing of her precious Trig into this tired old world in April of 2008, instead of murdering him, as so many political hacks, both Lefties and RINOs, would have done, is THE act that brought down on her head the fury and the obloquy and the odium of the pampered, corrupt, venal, white-collared savages of the Establishment--this and her unerring ability to prick the pompous balloon of the little "messiah" of the Left, barack hussein obama.
On the local level, she was an effective mayor of her hometown of Wasilla.
On the State level, she was a brilliant Governor of Alaska, who accomplished more in about two-and-a-half years than most State governors ever do.
On the national level, I firmly believe that she will become, not only President of the United States of America, but a great, a beloved, an unforgettable resuscitator and restorer of the Res Publica Americana--a heroine for the ages: Our Esther; our Eowyn (Tolkien), our St. Jeanne d'Arc!!!
As I bring this piece to a close, let us observe the dual effect of the expressive phrase "Mother of Her Country."
First, it serves to TIE TOGETHER the first and the last of the societal units that were discussed above, Family and Country, into a harmonious whole.
Second, it serves, through the connotative connection to George Washington, Father of His Country--it serves to TIE TOGETHER the past to the present and to the future, 1776 to 2013-2016.
Sarah Louise Heath Palin of Wasilla, of Alaska, of America will help to restore a United States built upon Strength and upon Order; built upon Character and upon Constitution; built upon Power and upon Beauty.
I would like to discuss two words and concepts from this passage, "strength" and "order."
Order is rooted in the RELATION in which things stand to each other. To take a simple example, there is all the difference between the sentences "The man kills the bear" and "The bear kills the man" because of the ORDER of the words. The order establishes, for the English language, the subject of each sentence and the direct object.
In the sphere of society, it is crucial to define the RELATION in which various units or entities stand to each other.
There is a principle in Catholic Philosophy known as the Principle of Subsidiarity. This principle is one of the foundations of our Constitutional belief in LIMITED GOVERNMENT. The word "subsidiarity" derives from the Latin word "subsidium," "support, assistance, aid, HELP, protection."
The idea is that LARGER units of society exist to HELP and SUPPORT, not to DOMINATE over, smaller units, and especially the family. From this truth flows the principle that larger units, especially the federal or national government, should not carry out those functions that can better be handled at the family, local, or State levels.
The family and the People do not exist for government; government exists for the family and the People.
From this principle flows the proper RELATIONSHIP between and among various societal entities.
The family is helped and supported by the city or town or local government; the local government does not dominate the family.
The local community is helped and supported by the State government; the State government does not dominate the local community.
The State is helped and supported by the federal government; the federal government does not dominate the State.
We do not delegate to larger units those matters that can best be handled by smaller units.
So, for example, the FAMILY is primarily responsible for the education of children.
On the other hand, the federal government certainly possesses some legitimate functions, especially that of national defense, a responsibility that cannot effectively be shouldered by smaller units of society.
The ideal for society, then, is that each of its units be STRONG and healthy, but that each remain within its proper and ORDERED sphere and orbit.
On the family level, she is a wonderful wife, mom, daughter, sister, and grandmother. Indeed, IMV, her bringing of her precious Trig into this tired old world in April of 2008, instead of murdering him, as so many political hacks, both Lefties and RINOs, would have done, is THE act that brought down on her head the fury and the obloquy and the odium of the pampered, corrupt, venal, white-collared savages of the Establishment--this and her unerring ability to prick the pompous balloon of the little "messiah" of the Left, barack hussein obama.
On the local level, she was an effective mayor of her hometown of Wasilla.
On the State level, she was a brilliant Governor of Alaska, who accomplished more in about two-and-a-half years than most State governors ever do.
On the national level, I firmly believe that she will become, not only President of the United States of America, but a great, a beloved, an unforgettable resuscitator and restorer of the Res Publica Americana--a heroine for the ages: Our Esther; our Eowyn (Tolkien), our St. Jeanne d'Arc!!!
As I bring this piece to a close, let us observe the dual effect of the expressive phrase "Mother of Her Country."
First, it serves to TIE TOGETHER the first and the last of the societal units that were discussed above, Family and Country, into a harmonious whole.
Second, it serves, through the connotative connection to George Washington, Father of His Country--it serves to TIE TOGETHER the past to the present and to the future, 1776 to 2013-2016.
Sarah Louise Heath Palin of Wasilla, of Alaska, of America will help to restore a United States built upon Strength and upon Order; built upon Character and upon Constitution; built upon Power and upon Beauty.