On p. 64 of GR, Sarah is discussing her initial venture into the arena and amphitheater of politics, her run for a seat on the Wasilla City Council. She says, "Todd thought it was a great idea. He knew that I wanted to make a difference, and he encouraged my instinct that it was time to get involved.
"My first campaign was exciting, and exactly what you would expect for a small town. I focused on reducing property taxes and redefining government's appropriate role. Without knowing that I was setting a pattern for years to come, I ran an ultra-grassroots campaign with hand-lettered signs that read, POSITIVE-LY PALIN.
"Track and Bristol were still tiny, so I went door-to-door asking for people's votes, pulling the kids through the snow on a sled."
Guys, my first two gut reactions to this were, "Wow, there has been no change, since those times, in the heart and essence of who Sarah is," and also, "How I wish I could have been one of those neighbors/citizens lucky enough to receive a personal, at-the-front-door campaign visit from Sarah!!
Behold how little has changed from the essential Sarah and her family.
Todd was 100% behind her, as he is today, and as he has always been.
Sarah still places her focus and force behind the basics of limited government, government confined to its proper sphere and functions--as it was then, so it is today.
She still does a beautiful job of combining her role as a mom with her role as a public servant. Track and Bristol, of course, have long since become too old to be pulled around on a sled, but they are still right there with their mom in support and loyalty!
Above all, I think that the essential grassroots nature of the coming campaign for POTUS bears an essential relationship of close similarity to Sarah's first, door-to-door run for office. Sarah cannot, obviously, knock on the doors of every household in all fifty states of the Res Publica Americana.
However, her decency, her common sense, her patriotism…her essential GOODNESS will reach out and knock not just on the "doors," but on the hearts of every American of good will!!
Sarah, yes, will be tapping, tapping, tapping, not on the physical front doors of all of our HOUSES, but on the spiritual front doors of our HEARTS, our HEARTHS, our HOMES.
Run, Sarah, Run!!! Run, noble Athlete and Lady of the North Country!!
Come, knock on the hearts' doors of all patriots, all noble spirits who love their country.
Behold, I can hear it even now:
The comforting, heart-warming "Knock, Knock, Knock" as Sarah Louise Heath Palin comes to lift up and encourage and rally hearts and homes all across this great land of ours!!!!