PAGE 138
Yay Piper!
At the top of p. 138 of GR, Sarah mentions the horrible and vile and hideous and inhuman threats that were directed against Bristol and Willow after she assumed into her hands the reins and authority of the Governor's Office in Alaska.
Then, in a beautiful piece of writing that for me echoes and recalls Dickens' "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" (A Tale of Two Cities), she writes, "THOSE WERE THE UGLY TIMES, BUT THERE WERE PRECIOUS TIMES TOO (emphasis mine).
"My fondest memory from the mansion is Piper learning to ride her bike in the yard. A little kid hadn't lived in the house for decades, so we put in a buoy swing and a trampoline for ours (which I suspect some of the neighbors didn't think was very stately). Someone let Piper use an old bike, a blue one for little boys, and that's what she learned to ride on.
"MY HAPPIEST DAY AT THE MANSION (emphasis mine) was on a sunny weekend afternoon. We were in the yard, and after many unsuccessful tries, she finally managed to ride her bike upright in a great big circle all the way around the trampoline.
"Of course, being able to ride doesn't mean being able to stop, and she crashed headfirst into the bushes bordering the lawn. But for Piper, it was the ride that mattered, and she jumped up from the bushes, pumped her fist in the air and yelled, 'Yay, me!'
"She was victorious! She was proud of herself! And she got to shout it to the world with no one to shush her or to tell her to be humble and quiet. For me, standing there in the sunshine, it was one of those Mom Moments when your heart feels like it just might burst, and I thought, MAY EVERY LITTLE CHILD HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF 'YAY, ME!' MOMENTS (italics in original)."
These marvelous words hardly require any "commentary," guys.
I shall confine myself to a few remarks.
Notice how she finds BEAUTY in her life in the Governor's mansion, finds blessings of the All-Highest, even in the midst of the vilest threats against her family.
Notice that THIS MOMENT with Piper and that dear old blue bike, was her "happiest day at the mansion"!!
Not some work on some weighty and world-shaking piece of legislation;
Not some meeting with the "great" and "powerful" of this world;
Not even some personal triumph OF HER OWN.
For truly and verily, PIPER'S victory was a MOM'S victory too!!
Yes she was Mayor;
Yes she was Governor;
Yes she will assuredly, the Lord willing, be President of all these mighty and magnificent United States of America—a world stateswoman for the ages.
But Sarah Palin of Alaska is, first, last, and always, A MOTHER!!!
She brought HER PRECIOUS TRIG into this tired, cynical, corrupt old world, and, of course, her other kids too.
When she is making, in the corners of her brave, indomitable soul, when she is making the decisions, the hard, difficult, lonely, fateful decisions that only a President can make, sitting at that desk where, in President Harry Truman's immortal words, "the buck stops," she will always be a mom, with a mom's guts, a mom's heart, a mom's soul, a mom's unfailing and inexhaustible and everlasting courage and devotion!!