"The library on Main Street was one
of my summer hideaways..."
of my summer hideaways..."
I would like to focus on two parts of Sarah's wonderful page twenty-seven of Going Rogue!
First, on the upper half of this page Sarah, who on p. 26 had described the stratagem employed by her dad to prevent her and her siblings from watching too much of the "boob tube," writes as follows:
"My folks were smart: less TV meant more books. From The Pearl to Jonathan Livingston Seagull to Animal Farm and anything by C.S. Lewis, I would put down one book just long enough to pick up another. The library on Main Street was one of my summer hideaways.
"I wandered through the stacks, thumbing through the smallish collection as though it were a secret treasure. One of my dad's buddies said that he never stopped by the Heaths' house when we didn't have our noses in a book or one of the magazines we subscribed to..."
All right, chrissy matthews, and all you other abominable liars and slanderers of the sanctimonious, self-serving, selfish Left, are you going to issue a public apology to Sarah for spreading far and wide the falsehood that she is stupid, that she cannot read, that she has no "intellectual curiosity"??
Don't you people know that, not just in Christianity, but in ANY RELIGION, as far as I know, it is a serious sin, wrong, delict, misstep--use any term you like, it does not alter the "thing," the reality--in any religion it is wrong to lie about someone, to misrepresent or slander him/her.
If you have any fear of God, of karma, of Eternal Justice, or if you just have a shred and a shaving of plain, common decency, you will publicly apologize to Sarah for your FILTHY LIES about her, and you will ask her to forgive you. If we know our Sarah, once you publicly set the record straight and true, she will graciously and truly forgive you from her heart: That's the LADY that she is!!!
...and just from my gut, let me ask you guys and women of the Left (and of the RINO "right"): My own heart is WARMED and LIFTED by the lovely picture of the young Sarah, wandering through the library stacks, on the scent and trail of some new literary gold or silver that is hiding just around the corner, treasuring these gems and nuggets of the mind and spirit.
Are you people SO INHUMAN, SO DEAD IN SOUL AND SPIRIT, that you cannot admire and respect her at least a little bit?!? Does your RAW POWER matter so much to you that you will stoop and sink into the gutter of gutters to try to destroy this lovely, fearless, brilliant lady???
Be afraid, be very afraid, I say to you all, both of the vengeance of the Lord and the vengeance of the American People....I myself can see November, 2010 even from deep blue Berkeley, California!!!...and if I lift up the eyes of hope and of imagination a bit, I can see November, 2012 even more clearly!!! Sarah is coming for you; we are coming for you!
In the latter portion of p. 27, Sarah turns neatly from the intellectual dashes of the nimble mind and eyes, to the physical running of the feet. She writes:
"The 1970s also ushered in the running craze across America, and my family was hooked. Mom and Dad had their friends training for marathons even on subzero winter days, and in the summertime, we ran together in the sunlit nights...
"Dad qualified for the Boston Marathon and proudly represented Alaska twice at the Big Show. Mom, who was not at all athletic growing up, won her age group in the 26.2-mile Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon, a testament to how Alaska can change a person.
"At the time, running with my family was just a fun and expected thing to do, but it became a lifelong passion for me. For one thing, you don't have to be particularly coordinated or talented to do it.
"Eventually, though, I realized that the road, and especially marathon training, holds invaluable life lessons. That to reach your goal you have to put in the tough, drudging miles. That the best rewards often lie on the other side of pain. And that when it seems you can't take another step forward, there is a hidden reservoir of strength you can draw on to endure and finish well."
LACRIMAE, guys, LACRIMAE, Latin for "tears," "tears." This is so beautiful and moving that it almost seems to defy any need for any "commentary"!!! Ipsa verba eius, verba ex altissimo corde evocata et exaltata, animam eius illustrant illuminant revelantque!! "Her very words, all by themselves, words called forth and lifted on high from the very depths of her heart, shed light on, brighten, and reveal her spirit!!!!"
Nevertheless, let me observe: Our beloved Sarah did not know it at the time, but every pounding step she took and suffered on her hidden marathons of both the road and of the spirit, marathons of both body and soul, paths to glory and greatness, every sigh, every groan, every touch and tinge of pain and agony, was another spiritual stone and brick that she laid in the lovely edifice that will be a restored America, and was another nail in the joyless coffin of the hateful and heedless and mindless Left!
In tears and all alone did she plant...and plant...and marvelous millions of ecstasies and triumphs shall we all rejoice with her, the Lioness of the North, the Lady of Alaska, our Dearest Sarah, America's Sarah!!