PAGE 110
On p. 110 of GR, Sarah writes as follows, "In 2005 I was the first Republican to file for governor because I didn't want to play the political 'wait your turn in line' game to see if Murkowski, the incumbent, would seek reelection. I knew I wouldn't have the backing of the party machine anyway, so my reliance on a grassroots effort required an early edge before the other guys started lining up. …
"In the primary, I was running against Governor Murkowski, of course, and his friend Randy Ruedrich was still the state GOP chairman--a bad omen to some but to us a motivating challenge. To win the primary, I'd have to go through both of them. It also meant we'd have no backing from the state party. I found my underdog status and the outsider label quite liberating. If there were only a few politicians bold enough to hook up with us, that was fine too."
There, my friends, is the spirit of a FIGHTER, a Fearless Fighter--just what the country needs right now, and just what the GOP needs, if it is to be saved from the RINO politicos and from the fate of the Whigs!
Behold her spirit!
She refuses to "wait … in line."
She knows she will not have the "backing of the party machine."
She is seeking an "early edge."
She will rely on a "grassroots effort."
She is not intimidated by the political hacks who will be her opposition; no, she finds it a "motivating challenge."
She knows she will have no support from the "state party."
She finds her "underdog status and the outsider label quite liberating."
She is seeking only a few politicians "bold enough to hook up with us."
Now, of course, the situation of 2005-2006 is not the same as the situation of 2013-2016.
A run for POTUS would be a national, not a state race.
There is no formal GOP incumbent--though, note well, in a sense there IS a GOP incumbency, namely the opinion among Republican elites, IMV, that this is JEB BUSH'S TURN, or maybe Marco Rubio's turn!!
She would have to overcome, as she did not in 2005-2006, the horrible media slander that has been inflicted on her since 2008, especially that vicious and unjust little four-letter knife and dagger that they have tried to plant in her back, "QUIT" (and "quitter").
It is also true that the term "early" announcement of a run for political office is a very elastic and stretchable term. In this case it could mean tomorrow--wouldn't that cause the Leftist and RINO blogospheres to explode and even to implode!!--but it could mean sometime in 2014 or in 2015.
Still, with all of these necessary caveats, I believe that the above passage could provide us with a clue about the Governor's plans and intentions, for …
The circumstances have changed: 2013 is not 2005; America is not (merely) Alaska, but ..
Finally, and in connection with these remarks on Going Rogue, I present the next letter, letter "M," in the "Latin Sarah" series, which I am presenting again from last spring and summer.
I have edited it slightly to bring it into accord with the situation of today.
I think that we all knew this was a special person, a special soul, from those first unforgettable days in late August and early September of 2008. The enemies of America too paid the highest tribute to the great-souled Governor of Alaska by singling her out from the beginning for a special species of hatred and opposition and persecution.
It is even possible, although it is not established by proof, that the whole financial crisis/collapse of mid-September of '08 was engineered precisely because Sarah was doing the impossible: She had dragged Senator McCain, in spite of himself, into the lead in the polls.
The Left's long-awaited "messiah" might actually be defeated. This simply could not be allowed to happen. NOR COULD THE GOP ESTABLISHMENT ALLOW THE GOVERNOR TO ASSUME THE CAPTAINCY AND LEADERSHIP OF "THEIR" PARTY.
Let us draw then a few contrasts between Sarah Magnanima, Sarah the Great-Souled, Sarah the Great-Hearted, and the PUSILLANIMOUS people, the small-souled, the mean-souled, the petty-souled people who opposed her … and still oppose her to this very hour.
In the 2008 campaign, Sarah Magnanima thought only of the country she loves and of defeating its dire enemy, barack hussein obama.
The pusillanimous GOP operatives, like Steve Schmidt and a legion of others like him, thought only of their current and future power within the GOP.
In 2009, Sarah Magnanima thought only of the State she loved and loves so much, in resigning the Governorship of the Great Land.
Her small-souled foes did all they could to shatter her political and financial position, and then, when she resigned and RELOADED, they branded her with the foul moniker of "quitter."
In 2010, throughout that fateful year, while most professional "politicians" were in hiding, SARAH, almost alone as it seemed, went a-flying up and down and back and forth all across this beautiful land of ours, rallying, exhorting, encouraging TEA-Party patriots everywhere. TO HER, IMHO, more than to anyone else, is due the stupendous victory of November of that year that helped to blunt to some extent the doleful edge and effects of the obama "presidency."
In 2011 it was Sarah Magnanima who went to Madison, Wisconsin, and fired a "shot heard 'round the world" with her great "Game On" speech and gauntlet--a gauntlet she cast right into the teeth of a Wisconsin storm; right into the teeth of union thugs; right into the teeth of obama himself: "Mr. President, GAME ON"!!!
Other GOP politicians, small-souled and fearful, were nowhere to be seen!
In the just-passed year of 2012, she continued to rally the cause of the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, especially through her powerful support of and endorsement of conservative patriots.
Her foes continued to think only of their own careers; their own positions; their own power.
All through the fire and fury and battle sounds of these last four years for the Res Publica Americana, it has been Sarah Magnanima who has been speaking, writing, traveling, fighting, fighting, always fighting for her country, without regard to her own personal comfort or safety or security!!!
There is NO ONE today more worthy to hold and occupy the highest office and station in the land.
If it be the merciful will of the Lord, she will be our President in 2016.