As with so many pages in her profound book, I could comment on several passages from p. 18 of Going Rogue.
I love the story of her "first brush with the skewed priorities of government," that is, with an officious, meddling Alaska state trooper.
I love her straight, direct, simple declaration, "I love meat"! How dare these damnable "green fiends," these "environmentalists," these commie wolves in trees' clothing, how dare they try to impose their "values" on us!!!
Fine, if they do not want to consume meat, that is their choice. But how dare these benighted creatures, who care nothing at all for the slaughter of millions of unborn human beings, how dare they claim that killing animals for food is wrong, is immoral! The Lord gave us these animals for our nourishment and enjoyment.
Sarah's love of meat is normal, is natural, is precisely in accord with God's mandates and dispositions. GO, SARAH, GO; SHOOT, SARAH, SHOOT: Feed your family, and savor the gifts that the Lord vouchsafes to humankind! Damn the Left, especially in its "green" mask!!!
However, interesting as these passages on p.18 are, I would like to focus on the following words from the same page:
"We always ate at home because there were only a few restaurants around, and after dinner our routine was always the same:
'I'm washing!' Heather would say.
'I'm rinsing!' said Molly.
'I'm singing' I said.
"Then Heather washed the dishes and Molly rinsed, while I sat on the washing machine, which was squeezed up against the sink in our sunflower yellow kitchen, and sang until the dishes were dry. Then I put them away."
Now it might seem, at first glance, that Sarah was slacking: Heather washes; Molly rinses; Sarah......sings!
"Yeah, right," we might be tempted to say.
But no, in the next paragraph Sarah says that, after singing while the dishes were being washed and were drying, she put them away: "Then I put them away." Bingo!
Isn't this a great example of her playful sense of humor? She really did do her part, her share...she just lets us think for a moment that she was "goldbricking"! Further, her singing undoubtedly helped her sisters in the preliminary work.
I think, however, that we can derive further insights from this family practice and custom that Sarah narrates.
What has our brave, beautiful heroine been doing all through these dire days that began on 4 November, 2008, the day of obama's "election"? She has been "singing" up and down and across the length and breadth of the United States, speaking, exhorting, encouraging, bringing (true) hope and joy and inspiration wherever she treads!
Just as her literal singing certainly helped Heather and Molly to wash and rinse the dishes, so her metaphorical "singing" has been assisting all of us, all patriots, as we gird ourselves to eject the commies from Congress this fall, and to eject, in 2012, their leader, the Chicago thug and fraud, barack obama, from the place in the White House that he now shamefully usurps--a blot on the honor of the United States of America.
And what did Sarah do at the end of the family washing?--She was the Closer, the Finisher..."Then I put them away."
This is what she will do in the coming years:
She will "finish the job"!
She will "put away the dishes"!
She will finish off obama and all his horde of infesting minions, who feed off our tax dollars while trying to destroy us and all the traditions that we hold dear and precious! No longer will we tolerate paying for our own destruction!!!
She will finish off the miasma of hopelessness that threatens to engulf and overwhelm us.
She will finish off the conspiracy that has been in progress at least since the aftermath of the1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention (really, much longer), and which has culminated in the "election" of barack obama.
Sing, Sarah, Sing!!!----then Put Them Away!!!
God bless her; God bless her family; God bless all of SARAH AMERICA!!!!