"I loved pushing myself and even relished pushing through pain to reach a goal.
"I realized that my gift was determination and resolve, and I have relied on it ever since."
"I realized that my gift was determination and resolve, and I have relied on it ever since."
On p. 30 of Going Rogue Sarah continues with the theme of sports and athletics, which has been her subject of discussion for several pages now. She writes:
"My siblings all won many more sports awards than I, as I wasn't equipped with anything close to their natural talent. But I once overheard Dad say to another coach that he'd never had an athlete work harder. Overhearing those words was one of the most powerful experiences of my life.
"Maybe God didn't give me natural athleticism--other athletes could run faster, jump higher, and hit the basket more often--but I loved competition. I loved pushing myself and even relished pushing through pain to reach a goal. I realized that my gift was determination and resolve, and I have relied on it ever since."
Behold the deep mystery of the inscrutable ways of the Lord!!! God's gift to her was not to give her certain gifts, so that she might foster and nurture and develop deeper gifts.
Here is sweet wisdom and noble inspiration for us to trust Heaven when we are not granted something we wish for with all the ardor of our limited minds and narrow perceptions and straitened perspectives. Sometimes the greatest gift is not to get a gift!
First, here are a few thoughts about Sarah's life; they could be multiplied many times over.
What if Sarah, instead of having to play the state high-school championship basketball game on a bum ankle, a stress-fractured ankle, had been able to play on a pristine. healthy joint? Would she have traced on her soul's canvas and columns the portrait and profile of courage, of guts, of Churchill's we-shall-never-surrender spirit that she in fact did on that immortal evening??
What if Sarah had so excelled at sports broadcasting that she had been offered a lucrative, long-term contract, and had become a lifelong journalist in athletics?
What if Sarah, with her love for the written word, had written a Pulitzer-Prize-winning book in her 20s or 30s, and had chosen to make professional writing her life's work?
What if Sarah had won her race for the lieutenant-governorship of Alaska?
What if McCain had won in '08, and Sarah were today Vice President of the United States?
Second, let us take a brief look at History's Honor Roll:
What if Sparta, on certain fateful days of the year 480 BC, had not been involved in a religious festival, and hence had been able to send her entire army to face the vast slave army of King Xerxes of Persia at Thermopylae?
Instead, the Spartan king, Leonidas, and his 300-man bodyguard, who were not subject to the laws of the festival or to the decrees of the Spartan Council, marched forth into eternity to meet the invader from the East. The immortal voices of these 300, who died that the Liberty of Greece and of the West might live, these voices are speaking to us even at this very moment...two-and-a-half millennia later!!
What if King Henry V of England, at Agincourt, France in 1415, had possessed on his side numbers equal to those of the French army? Where would be the glory of his victory, immortalized in Shakespeare's "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers"?!?
What if George Washington's men at Valley Forge had been provided with comfortable shoes, and rich, warm clothing, and better provisions?
What if a modern-day band of brothers, the intrepid young fliers of Britain's Royal Air Force, had not stood all alone, all alone in facing down Hitler's Luftwaffe, in the days of summer and the days of autumntide in the Year of the Lord 1940? What if, instead, they had had the pilots of many nations by their side?
Let us support our precious Sarah; let us love her; let us learn from her simple and profound Alaskan wisdom.
St. Paul: "Libenter igitur gloriabor in infirmitatibus meis, ut inhabitet in me virtus Christi".
"Willingly therefore shall I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me."