"Without that foundation of faith, we would never have
been able to get through some of the tests
and trials that have come our way..."

On p. 23 of Going Rogue, Sarah is discussing the firm religious foundation that her mom and dad gave to her. They were very vigilant about church attendance! She says:

"Without that foundation of faith, we would never have been able to get through some of the tests and trials that have come our way."

"Foundation of faith": this is the sort of phrase, with its nice alliteration, that we can take for granted; it is easy to pass it over without really reflecting on its meaning and significance. I think that, in fact, it deserves closer examination.

What is a foundation? It is the "base" or "basis," in the literal Greek sense of the term, on which anything rests. It can be a physical foundation, as in the case of a building, or a non-physical one, as in the case, for example, of the laws and principles upon which a Republic rests. What then are some of the pertinent properties of a "basis" or "foundation"?

One is that, even in the case of a physical "foundation," it can be almost invisible to the casual eye. Its strength or weakness can often only be revealed when tremendous stress is brought to bear on the edifice or entity that sits and rests on that foundation.

Closely related to this factor is the principle that the stronger, the firmer, the deeper that the foundation is, the more lasting, the more permanent, the more enduring will be the structure raised on top of it.

This truth helps to explain and justify the wisdom of those who, perceiving the necessity of a strong "basis" for anything that is worthwhile, will often labor for years and seemingly accomplish little. Lesser minds will querulously question, "Why aren't you doing anything; where are the results??"

In the face of the cavils and quibbles of such people, the wise man or woman will continue patiently and persistently to labor at laying a "foundation," whether it be physical, intellectual, or spiritual, that shall be able to sustain and support a mighty and gracious edifice, one that will survive the jealous probing and testing of times and circumstances and crises!!

Herein we may perceive a certain wisdom that is contained in the Latin word altus. This word may signify either "high" (cf. our "altitude") or "deep." Indeed, the deeper, the stronger the foundation is, the higher and more lasting will be the finished work that is enthroned on top of it.

Now, lest this post become too long :-), I shall proceed, quickly and succinctly, to the "faith" part of the phrase "foundation of faith."

When a person sets out to construct something, he or she will try to anticipate and forestall the various stresses or pressures that may be brought to bear on the edifice, physical or non-physical, that is being raised. The "basis," the foundation, will be laid in accordance with the perceived forces that may work against the completed structure.

However, none of us can see with the eyes of the Lord. What is it, however, that gives us a certain access to the Eternal Vision of God? It is faith in Him.

Yes, we cannot see with God's eyes; we cannot see what our future holds; we cannot perceive what the motivations are that lie in the hearts of others; we cannot foresee what the ultimate results may be of actions that we take today--but THE LORD SEES ALL THIS.

And when we trust Him, when we have faith in Him, we are given a certain link to Him that is beyond our natural powers.

Hence, a "foundation of faith (in God)" is one that supersedes and surpasses in firmness and staying power any human construct, whether it is tangible or intangible. It rests on Eternal Wisdom. The Lord knows the plans and works He has in store for each one of us. Hence, He knows what must constitute our "foundation."

Well did our Sarah build, under the aegis and loving shadow of the hand of God. Well and wisely did our precious Sarah set her "foundation." All through those long, quiet years, hidden away in the Great Land of the North, the land of Seward's dreams, she was patiently building, building, building her "basis." In the "fullness of her times," in these fateful days for her and for our Republic, the winds of the Revolution of the 60s have become the whirlwind of today's culmination of that Revolution.

The winds of the Left blew; they pounded; they strove with might and main against our brave, beautiful Sarah, but all in vain. Instead of destroying her, they have served to reveal the true strength of her foundation, her foundation of faith. She built well; she still stands; she, like our flag at Fort McHenry (The Star-Spangled Banner), is "still there." She will always be "there," that is "here," here for her family, here for her State, here for all of us, for all of America!!!

Deo gratias--

thanks be to God!!!

Read It For Yourself:

Other Great Sarah Books:

Palin Essentials:


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Other Great Going Rogue Reviews:

Jedediah Bila:

"Palin’s inviting first-person narration that is sometimes whimsical, often confident, and always patriotic...Going Rogue is truly one of those reads in which you put the book down after your eyes graze the final lines and you somehow feel like the writer is someone you’ve known all your life."
John Ziegler:

"I was simply blown away by Going Rogue on almost every level. For many reasons, this is by far the best book and greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime..."
Brigadier General Anthony J. Tata:
"Her book washes away all doubts that any reader might have had about her readiness to be president. She comes across as exceptionally bright, dedicated, and passionate about public service. Her moral compass is strong, pointing true North in this case. And she has a wicked sense of humor."
Don Surber:
"Conservatives know why Palin is still standing — and standing taller today than those who tried to bring her down. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Thank you, Tina Fey."

Sarah Palin is Coming to Town

Review by Stanley Fish:

When I walked into the Strand Bookstore in Manhattan last week, I headed straight for the bright young thing who wore an “Ask Me” button, and asked her to point me to the section of the store where I might find Sarah Palin’s memoir, “Going Rogue: An American Life.” She looked at me as if I had requested a copy of “Mein Kampf” signed in blood by the author....

A few days later...I had begun reading Palin’s book, and while I wouldn’t count myself a fan in the sense of being a supporter, I found it compelling and very well done....

First, the art. The book has an architectonic structure that is built around a single moment, the moment when Palin receives a call from John McCain inviting her to be the vice-presidential candidate of the Republican party. When we first hear about the call it is as much a surprise to us as it was (at least as reported) to her, because for six pages she has been recounting a wonderful family outing at the Alaska State Fair. When her phone rings, she hopes it might be a call from her son Track, a soldier soon to deploy to Iraq, but “it was Senator John McCain asking if I wanted to help him change history.”

And that’s the last we hear of it for 200 pages. In between we hear a lot about Wasilla, high school, basketball, college, marriage, children, Down syndrome, Alaska politics, the environment, a daughter’s pregnancy. The re-entry of John McCain into the narrative on page 208 introduces Palin’s account of the presidential campaign and its aftermath, especially her decision to resign the governorship before the end of her term....

Paradoxically, the effect of the neatly spaced references to the call is to de-emphasize it as a dramatic moment. It is presented not as a climax, but as an interruption of matters more central to Palin’s abiding concerns — her family, Alaska’s prosperity, energy policy. (She loves to rehearse the kind of wonkish details we associate with Hillary Clinton, whom she admires.)

Indeed, it is a feature of this narrative that events we might have expected to be foregrounded are elided or passed over. Palin introduced herself to the nation with a powerful, electrifying speech accepting McCain’s invitation to join the ticket. It gets half a sentence (“I gave my speech”)....

The only event that receives an extended discussion is her resignation. It is important to her because as an act it reflects on her integrity, and she has to be sure (as she eventually was) that she was doing it for the right reasons.

Resigning was a moral act for which she was responsible. The vice-presidential candidacy just happened to her; her account of it reads like an extended “what-I-did-on-my summer-and fall-vacation” essay.

For many politicians, family life is sandwiched in between long hours in public service. Palin wants us to know that for her it is the reverse. Political success is an accident that says nothing about you. Success as a wife, mother and citizen says everything...

I find the voice undeniably authentic...It is the voice of small-town America, with its folk wisdom, regional pride, common sense, distrust of rhetoric (itself a rhetorical trope), love of country and instinctive (not doctrinal) piety.

It says, here are some of the great things that have happened to me, but they are not what makes my life great and American. (“An American life is an extraordinary life.”) It says, don’t you agree with me that family, freedom and the beauties of nature are what sustain us?

And it also says, vote for me next time. For it is the voice of a politician, of the little girl who thought she could fly, tried it, scraped her knees, dusted herself off and “kept walking.”

In the end, perseverance, the ability to absorb defeat without falling into defeatism, is the key to Palin’s character. It’s what makes her run in both senses of the word and it is no accident that the physical act of running is throughout the book the metaphor for joy and real life. Her handlers in the McCain campaign wouldn’t let her run (a mistake, I think, even at the level of photo-op), no doubt because they feared another opportunity to go “off script,” to “go rogue.”

But run she does (and falls, but so what?), and when it is all over and she has lost the vice presidency and resigned the governorship, she goes on a long run and rehearses in her mind the eventful year she has chronicled. And as she runs, she achieves equilibrium and hope: “We’ve been through amazing days, and really, there wasn’t one thing to complain about. I feel such freedom, such hope, such thankfulness for our country, a place where nothing is hopeless.”

The message is clear. America can’t be stopped. I can’t be stopped. I’ve stumbled and fallen, but I always get up and run again. Her political opponents, especially those who dismissed Ronald Reagan before he was elected, should take note. Wherever you are, you better watch out. Sarah Palin is coming to town.

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